Commission TOS

Commission Terms of Services

Before starting a project, we need to make sure we are on the same page so there aren't misunderstandings and to protect against fraud, so please take some time to read through these terms. If any confusion, don't hesitate to contact me, thank you!

This Terms of Service Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into between the Artist and the Client for the commission of an artwork ("Work"). By commissioning the Artist, the Client agrees to the following terms:

Note: Businesses, agencies, groups and other organizations should contact the Artist to discuss arrangements in more detail.

    1. Client provides clear and complete requirements and expectations upfront, including reference materials or assets before Work begins.
    2. Client grants to the Artist non-exclusive rights to observe and replicate Client’s assets and other intellectual property (such as model sheets) for the use of the Work.
    3. Client warrants that the assets and other intellectual property provided to the Artist are legally obtained and authorised for use by the Client.
    4. Client warrants that they have the authority to enter this agreement, be the point of contact and is solely responsible for decisions and approval during the process.
    5. Artist strives to perform to the best of their ability in good faith and warrants Work is 100% original according to Artist’s best knowledge.
    6. Artist may use commercially licensed, copyright-free and/or educational materials, assets and/or tools.
    7. Artist warrants that they will not copy or heavily reference unauthorised materials.
    8. Artist reserves the right to refuse projects or requests based on content, subject, or other reasons.
    9. Artist defines scope of work, features, price, deliverables and other details for the project in a proposal in a format according to Artist discretion which may include private message through Discord or Twitter, or email. The details set forth by the Artist shall be agreed upon by the Client before work begins.
    10. Once the project requirements have been confirmed, the Artist cannot change the scope of work as it may affect the allocated work time and resource for the project.
    1. Work completion requires 4 weeks minimum, and may take up to 3 months depending on each project.
    2. Timeline depends on commission type, complexity, and workload.
    3. Client should plan launches and streams accordingly.
    4. Artist provides progress updates and seeks Client feedback voluntarily.
    5. Final deliverables are provided by the Artist using email, Google Drive or similar file transfer tools, in PSD, PNG, SVG, MOV formats as applicable. Any files hosted by the Artist will be available for the Client to download for 1 month.
    6. If there are any delays and adjustments to timeline, the Artist will inform the Client.
    7. Clients must first agree to delays and amendments to timeline through standard communication channels.
    8. Clients have the right to request refunds 3 months after deadlines according to 8.c. if Work has not been delivered and there was no agreed upon amendment to the timeline.
    1. Artist promise that each submission is quality checked, however, the Artist is human and is not perfect.
    2. 1-2 revision is allowed per item shown to the Client during the process. That being said, all revision requests will be processed on a case-by-case basis.
    3. Each revision must be documented with screenshots and a short text-based description.
    4. Additional charges for excessive revisions may be required. Once the client agrees on the cost, the additional charges must be paid before the Artist begins on the fix.
    5. Revisions may affect progress and timeline.
    6. Clients may not edit the work after final delivery unless specified in the commission information, project outlines or otherwise approved by the Artist.
    7. Artist reserves the right to refuse fixes that the Artist deems unreasonable.
    1. All parties involved will maintain a respectful and appropriate manner while communicating.
    2. Ongoing communication and discussion will occur throughout the project, including work in progress, idea generation and collaboration, situational updates, and more.
    3. Communication channels may include private message through Discord or Twitter, or email according to Artist discretion.
    4. Artist response time may vary, up to one week in order to provide better or more concrete updates.
    5. The Artist and Client agree to discuss relevant matters concerning the project. Both parties have the right to decline other topics of discussion.
    6. If Artist requests communication from Client and there is 1 month of consecutive non-communication from the Client, Artist concludes the project as Client withdrawl and reserves the right to disregard any remaining services or missing deliverables if the Client returns later, Client can request a continuation of Work after withdrawl. If agreed upon by Artist, a start up fee will be charged.
    1. Artist Rights
      1. The Artist retains copyright, ownership, redistribution and intellectual property rights, which includes but is not limited to display, advertising, printing, the Work and work in progress on websites, social media, portfolios, public broadcast channels (i.e. Twitch) and more.
      2. The Artist may use rejected work in progress and versions for other projects according to their discretion, under the condition that it does not infringe the Client's intellectual property rights and ownership of their likeness, character design, branding, identity design or any such trademarks.
      3. The Artist retains the non exclusive rights to sell merchandise and prints of their Work, unless exclusive commercial rights are purchased by the Client.
      4. Clients can request the Artist to keep the art private up to 3 months after the final submission unless specified in the commission information, project outlines or otherwise approved by the Artist.
    2. Client Rights
      1. Clients receive non-transferable usage rights to the Work for personal use. Refer to Section 6.c. for commercial rights.
      2. Personal use means: display on social media accounts for promotional purposes with no direct monetization, such as profile pictures, banners, and posts; print and framing in personal spaces; display as part of designs on websites and channels, excluding use in content of these websites or channels.
      3. Client must not claim Work as their own and must credit Artist using their social tag/username/link at the instance of display of the Work or permanently on their websites, social media profiles, broadcast channels and so on. If the Client prefers not to disclose the credit, Artist will charge an additional privacy fee.
    3. Commercial Rights
      1. Commercial usage rights are not included.
      2. Commercial rights may differ for each commission type. Commercial broadcast rights means usage of Work on streams, videos, advertisements and other content, or any similar monetized instances; commercial distribution rights means selling or reselling Work to another party, as a part of any product or merchandising, or on another platform.
      3. In the case of original design work for the purpose and definition of the Client's brand identity such as character design, logo design, and more, intellectual property rights of the designs and their likeness are exclusively granted to the Client for use, production and modification purposes, commercial or personal.
      4. Usage of Work for AI (artificial intelligence) tools, platforms or programs; ML (machine learning) tools, platforms or programs; AI or ML training; NFT; blockchain; or other for-profit platforms/purposes, is strictly prohibited.
      5. Additional charges will be required for commercial usage if not included, typically 2x of the original cost.
    1. Prices may vary or change depending on complexity, requirements and/or additional requests. Base prices usually start at $300.
    2. Client pays pays full up or a 50% downpayment.
    3. In the case of projects paid with 50% downpayment, the final 50% is due at first complete watermarked or low resolution preview of the final deliverables.
    4. Invoices or payment link will be sent to the Client when Artist is ready to begin work. Clients must not send money before these requests for payment from the Artist.
    5. Invoices must be paid within 72 hours, or the project may be cancelled.
    6. Prices are in USD, and paid via PayPal, Stripe, or methods as provided by the Artist.
    7. Once Work has begun or payments have been made, the Client acknowledges Work and deliverables are digital and there are no physically shipped goods to receive.
    8. Client agrees that they will not issue chargebacks and the refund policy mentioned below will be followed.
    1. If Client requests cancellation, 50% of project fees may be forfeit if cancelled within 2 days before work starts. A partial to full refund may be provided if there is more than 2 days’ notice.
    2. No refunds are possible after work begins unless initiated by the Artist and except for circumstances due to the Artist as detailed in 8.c. and Section 3.
    3. If Artist cannot complete work or there are delays as detailed in Section 3 for unforeseen reasons, the Client may be eligible for a full refund. If work done up to this point is accepted and used by the Client, the Artist will provide a partial refund according to the amount of work completed.
    4. Artist reserves the right to withdraw from a commission with partial refund should the Client engage in behaviours that are deemed damaging to the Artist’s branding, or if the Client violates any of the above terms.
    1. The Artist and Client acknowledges that information and materials that are provided to either party (including but not limited to personal information, technical information, marketing plans, payment information, or sensitive business information) outside of the development of Work, that will not be visible to the public, shall be considered confidential information and shall not be disclosed to any other party without prior written permission from the owner of this confidential information.
    1. Client indemnifies Artist against claims, losses, damages, and expenses related to Work usage by the Client, breach by the Client of the Agreement, or third-party claims.
    2. If Client's rights and the terms of this agreement are violated or the Work is not delivered as agreed, due to Artist negligence, Artist will work to remedy the situation first according to the terms aforementioned and otherwise to the satisfaction of the Client.
    1. Client is 18+ and legally able to commit to an agreement or has a legal guardian to make this agreement on their behalf.
    2. Agreement date is upon first inquiry/communication or first transaction.

By commissioning Alisha Menki Vo, you are agreeing to all of the above guidelines and understand that Alisha Menki Vo reserves the right to change the ToS at any time.